Rider Saint Amulet

This bronze amulet, complete with loop hole for suspension, was designed to magically protect its wearer from demons, the evil eye, and curses. Its obverse side features the 'Holy Rider' figure spearing a female demon with the text "εις θεος ο νικ(ων) κα(κα)" ("The one conquering evil through God"). This was a common motif in Late Antiquity and was used to protect both a woman’s womb from miscarriage and children from demons and sickness. The reverse side features an evil eye being attacked from above by several daggers and from below by two lions, an ibis, and a scorpion. The evil eye was (and still is) known across the Mediterranean as an envious or hateful look that can cause misfortune.
Provenience: Debris of the pillaged Tomb 30, Northern Cemetery
Date: 300 – 400 C.E.
Height: 4.5 cm
Width: 2.3 cm
Object Number: 29-108-254
Further Reading:
Bonner, Campbell. Studies in Magical Amulets. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1950; no. 303.