Male Funerary Bust
Male Funerary Bust, 2nd - 3rd c. CE
This crystalline limestone bust depicts a man with a carved head and a general outline of a torso. Small marks incised on the torso suggest the appearance of clothing. The sculpture has a pinkish hue from the stone used for its carving, but its surface is more polished than most sculptures of this type.
Provenience: Northern Cemetery
Date: 2nd - 3rd c. CE
Height: 52.5 com
Width: 21 cm
Object Number: 29-107-922
Field Number: None
Further Reading:
Skupinska-Lovset, IIona. 1983. Funerary Portraiture of Roman Palestine; An analysis of the production in its culture-historical context. Page/Fig./Plate 44:30
Romano, Irene B. 2006. Classical Sculpture; Catalogue of the Cypriot, Greek and Roman Stone Sculpture in the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. : Page/Fig./Plate: p. 201, Fig. 100.